Empowered women living with dignity and contributing as equal partners in development in an environment free violence and discrimination. And, wellnurtued children with full opprotunities for growth and development in a save and protective environment.
Promoting social and economic empowerment of women through cross-cuting policies and programmes, mainstreaming gender concerns, creating awareness about their rights and facilitating institutional and legislative suppourt for enabling them realize their human rights and develop to their full potential.
Ensuring development, care and protection of children through cross-cutting policies and programmes, spreading awareness about their rights and facilitation access to learing, nutrition, institutional and legislative support for enabling them to grow and develop to their full potential.
Empowered women living with dignity and contributing as equal partners in development in an environment free violence and discrimination. And, wellnurtued children with full opprotunities for growth and development in a save and protective environment.
Promoting social and economic empowerment of women through cross-cuting policies and programmes, mainstreaming gender concerns, creating awareness about their rights and facilitating institutional and legislative suppourt for enabling them realize their human rights and develop to their full potential.
Ensuring development, care and protection of children through cross-cutting policies and programmes, spreading awareness about their rights and facilitation access to learing, nutrition, institutional and legislative support for enabling them to grow and develop to their full potential.
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